Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My First Blog Awards

On Sunday, Kel and Laurie over at Serenity Scrappers gave my week an awesome start by giving me my first ever blog award... the I Got The Attitude Blog Award.  Then today, Rhonda from Scrap Happens awarded me with the Stylish Blogger Award.  A big thank you to these fabulous ladies for these fun awards!

As part of  accepting these awards I am supposed to tell you all several things about myself... 3 for the Attitude Award and 8 for the Stylish Award.  And then I am supposed to pay these awards forward to friends in the blog world.  So first I'll start with fun facts about JD.
     ♥ I love Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie ice cream.
     ♥ I am a self proclaimed addict of all things scrap related.
     ♥ I love country music.
     ♥ I live four houses away from my parents and across the street from my childhood best friend.
     ♥ Traveling to all 50 states is at the top of my bucket list.
     ♥ I'd rather be home reading or scrapping than out on the town.
     ♥ I set my alarm to wake up in the middle of the night last night for Customs Crops' Pink Tuesday sale.
     ♥ I spent 31 nights in hotels last summer for work (on the upside, most of those nights were in Charleston, SC - what a beautiful city!)
     ♥ I am also addicted to taking pictures (which sometimes drives my DH crazy).
     ♥ I can fall asleep after being in the car for less than five minutes (which also drives my DH crazy).
     ♥ I am proud to be part of such a wonderful community of scrapping bloggers.
Whew!  That was some list!  I think I will leave you with that for tonight and check back in this weekend to pass these fun awards on to other deserving bloggers.
A big thanks again to Serenity Scrappers and Scrap Happens.  You ladies rock!
Until next time, Cricuteers!
~ JD ~


1 Celeste B.

It's a wonderful list!!! Thanks for sharing the little tidbits and congrats on the award!! :)

2 Besthobbyeva

Congrats on BOTH awards! Well deserved. How awesome that you live near your parents and childhood friend, so cool! I am loving your blog make over, it looks AWESOME.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

3 Kel

Congrats on all your awards.. well deserved my scrap friend..well deserved!!! BTW, I WISH I could fall asleep in the car.. but can't :( have a good one!

4 Lynn B.


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