Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Blog Hop

Good morning, Cricuteers!

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and are all rested up for the fantastic Black Friday Blog Hop we have for you today.  If you are a first time visitor, welcome to JD's Adventures in Cricuteering.  I am excited to share my adventures with you.  If you've come from visiting The Daily Scrapper at, you're in the right place!  If you just happened across my blog and would like to join in the fun, you should definitely head to Crazy About Cricut to start at the beginning.  Each blog has created a project centered around the shopping or using the colors black and green.  Be sure to visit all the talented crafters for inspiration and fun blog candy!

Just in case you get lost along the way, here is today's lineup: <-- That's me, Cricuteers!

Now onto my project...

I absolutely love gift giving.  I love shopping for the perfect gift, wrapping it beautifully, and adding a customized card or tag.  There's something so satisfying about finding a gift that is just perfect for someone and watching their reaction as they open it.  While I enjoy the gift giving that traditionally comes along with Christmas, I know many people who are simply stressed by the thought of it.  As my gift to those people, I created this fun shopping bag gift card holder.  I have to admit I've been known to give gift cards at times ~ there are some people who are just too hard to buy for and rather than getting something they don't like / need, I believe it's better to let them pick their own present.  But I try to jazz up the gift a little with a fun card or wrapping such as this...

♥ Black & silver glitter cardstock ~ DCWV The Glitter Stack
♥ Red metallic cardstock ~ Recollections Gemstone value pack
♥ 1/4" silver satin ribbon ~ The Ribbon Boutique
♥ Shopping bag cut from Tags, Bags, Boxes, & More (pg. 55)
     *I shut off the aspect ratio link on my Gypsy and "stretch" the width to fit a gift card without adding more height.
♥ Scallop-top tag cut from Tags, Bags, Boxes, & More at 1" (pg. 32)
♥ Tag tied with black embroidery floss by DMC

In honor of my first blog hop, I am having my first blog candy giveaway!!!  I will be sending one lucky Cricuteer this fun set of Christmas stamps.  Aren't they cute??  I was tempted to get a set for myself!  To be entered, please follow my blog and leave a comment below sharing your best Black Friday deal (from any year!).  One comment per Cricuteer please, and U.S. residents only (I love my international Cricuteers, but I hope you'll understand!).  I will pick a winner on Sunday evening using

Now hop on over to visit Yolanda at  Her designs are wonderful.  You won't be disappointed!

Until next time, Cricuteers!
~ JD ~


1 Hannah's Stampin' Nana

love the bag..glad you are part of the hop to share your project.. my best black friday deal.. was a free warm breakfast :-)

lostnwa98 at frontier dot com

2 HappyMom2010

Thanks for sharing and for your sweet candy!

Gina L.
agsainz at gmail dot com

3 Suella

Cute idea & I even have exact paper just sitting in line to be used LLL
Best deal doll house purchased for Granddaughter & she loved it! TFS

4 Melissa

Great gift bag and congrats on your first blog hop! I'm glad it brought me to your blog and I'm now a follower!

I would have to say my best deal and best purchase ever was when I got my Expression a few years ago at Michaels! I think it was something like $137 and it came with the tool kit and a extra set of mats! I love my Expression!



WELCOME glad to see a new face/blogger.
I'm a follower
come and visit me
Rebecca Minor
buzzybeedesigns AT yahoo DOT com

6 Banner Market

How cute and simple is this little bag. I love the paper you used and what a great idea of putting a gift card in it. what a perfect little gift! I love it! Thanks for sharing. Ill keep this one in mind to make these for my gift cards. thanks
raegina at gmail dot com


Love your take on gift giving... and I am too familiar with the hard to please...
Nice to be part of this hop
best deal... $398 suit for $15 at Marshalls

8 Unknown

love your project.. thanks for sharing.. and thanks for a chance to win some candy..

9 Pippa (pjbear)

What a neat idea, I get gift vouchers for all of my 11 great nieces & nephews, this is a better way that just a gift card - love it!

10 Angie

great bag. I love it.

11 Kards by Kathi

Great blog and love your talent. Thanks for sharing. Great bag and very useful.

12 Barb A.

Your bag is really cute. Thanks for sharing your talents.

13 Maquel

Great little project!! Congrats on your first hop!

mderosby at gmail dot com

14 Trisha

Great bag. What a special way to give a gift card. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win. I am a follower. Hope you do many more successful blog hops.


15 Cards and Crafts by Sheree

Welcome to your first bloghop! How exciting is that! I have not participated in a bloghop yet! Maybe one day! I just love your project...I do not have a gypsy so what size would I cut it out to fit a gift card? My best deal on Black Friday was a laptop computer for my son from Best Buy. Had to stand in line all night in the cold but it was worth it! Thank you for sharing such a great idea...I give gift cards instead of presents so I will be making a lot of these!

16 Marianne S.

Your bag is so elegant, great project. Thank you for sharing and being a part of this hop.

Marianne S.
sthquilter at gmail dot com


Adorable Bag idea! So pretty! i wold have to say my best black friday deal was last year when my boyfriend and I went to Walmart a little later and got my cricut the big 12x12 matt sized white one for the same price as the small colored ones because there were no colored small ones left! Only 188.00, and came with two cartiages and two matts! WALMART!!!

18 scrappin2babygirls

great project its so cute i love the paper u picked. My best black Friday deal was a couple years ago i got my sony laptop (normally $1500) for about $900. sweet deal! Thanks so much for sharing your project and the chance to win!

19 Debbie

such a cute idea I have this same paper and I just love it thanks for sharing, please come over and visit me we have a blog hop going on to Debbie

20 Heather

Cute project! TFS! The best deal I got was on my very first computer many, many years ago!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

21 ScrappinMomma

TFS cute!! Best deal hmmmm probably this year and those $20 cricut carts
NYGIRL1994 at yahoo dot com

22 Scrappin' Sista

Lovin' the bag. I must repeat what I said for Sarah's post. The best deals this year was that I’m finally feeling better and I needed to exchange my E for the newer version because I was having problems with it. You probably know that I have been ill. So, I did get there at around 11:30 to get one at 12. I didn’t have to fight anyone and there are still more left (can you believe that 1st of all) but we had to wait for my sis to get some things that she wanted at 5 am. So, I parked some chairs in an aisle, she got me some Gatorade and crackers, and I went to sleep. Long story short, at 5 we got what we needed, were 2nd in line and outta there in about 5-10 minutes. The lines after us though, RIDICULOUS!!! TFS!

Blog Hop Sista

23 Michele's Scrapy Creations

cute bag! never thought to use it for gift card! best deal is buying our first christmas tree at kmart as family

24 Julie

Very nice bag. I think I might have to make a bag today:)

Cricut Chick

25 Carol

I love the bag, you've done a great job for your first hop! Thank you for sharing your talents. I had the best time hanging with my husband, that was the greatest deal.

26 Scrappy Jackie

I am a happy new follower of your blog! THank you for sharing your fun bag with us... I love the paper you chose to do it with ... very classy! pjritsema at gmail dot com

27 crazyaboutcricut

Oooo, I know what I'm making for gift card holders this year!! Thanks so much for doing this blog hop with me (but be careful, 'cause know you'll get addicted to doing them, LOL!). You did a fantastic job, can't believe it's your first :O)

28 abusybee - DoubleClick Connections

Great papers on this! I picked up a cricut lite this year for $20.00! I am super excited about it!

29 Darlene

I just love making little bags. TFS
I have never done Black Friday, so now awesome deals.

desaucier at bellsouth dot net

30 Minta's Creations

I Love your bag it's adorable....
I'm your newest follower...
Check out my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win!

31 CyndiU

Darling gift bag, TFS and being part of the hop and offering a chance to win such sweet blog candy.

cureta2 at yahoo dot com

32 Wendy (aka Roo)

Very cute! I know what you mean wanting the package to look pretty, I love to do that.

Unfortunately I don't have a black Friday deal, I used to not want to out because of the crowds, but for the past few I've wanted to go, but the moolah just hasn't been there.

The stamp set you're giving away is really cute!
Thanks for the chance to win!
roos 2 boys at gmail dot com

33 Theresa

Your gift bag is adorable..tfs; I am still pretty tickled over the blu-ray player I bought my hubs. Saved $100..yay me:)

34 Daisy Do Designs

Thank you for sharing you project.. Great Work!
Love the stamp set thanks for the chance to win..

35 Georgiana

Oh, how I love gift cards! The bag is perfect for them!

When you get a chance, please come and visit. I just posted about my great finds!


36 Raven B

What a super cute bag!!!!

37 Patti

What a pretty little bag. I'm with you on trying to jazz up the gift card holders. As far as Black Friday goes, I don't go out. I don't like the crowds so I just stay home and enjoy the day and seeing everyone elses' adventures.


38 Lisa's Memory Parlor

Very Cute! Thats a cool idea to give something tickets to my nieces, I'm thinking! I got such a bargain 2 years ago at my local hyvee. I wanted and needed a good coffee pot, had my eye on the new single serve Kruig (sp?) ones...anyways, was bummed there was not any left after waiting 2 hours in line...then low and behold, a lady Unshopped hers right on the shelf in front of me...changed her mind...I scooped it up. Inside was a bonus of a box of coffees and too the register, it rang up the wrong price and I was given a 5 dollar gift card, because the cashier said that is policy! Love my local grocery store!

39 Lilygirl

Hi!! I became your follower. Great blog!! Thanks for the chance to win the stamps.I did not shop BF today as I live in Canada and managed to keep myself from the online sites! Colleen

40 Kerry T

Very cute bag, perfect for a gift card. TFS

41 SpantastiKreations

Love the bag.
Congrats on your first blog hop.


42 Lynn B.

The bag is really pretty, TFS. I think my best deal was my cricut last year at Walmart. I will be one of your new followers as soon as I post this.

43 pennykitz

Happy Holidays to you.. I love your card holder and I agree with you, there is just some times you gotta do what you gotta do... I will follow you and be back for more inspiration... today I got my wish,,, I have been wanting a Martha Stewart score board so I got it 50% off. I also got Sesame Street cartridge for my 10 month old grandson.

44 Scrappers' Ranch

aww, this is too cute! Love the paper you used.
I am already a follower of your blog.
TFS and a chance to win
Bonnie C

45 Kathy's Kreative Spot

I am always lookong for great way to present a gift card and this is great.

Katsews at gmail dotcom

46 AmyJRockstar

Hi there,
What a great idea and thanks for the instructions! Love the paper you used. I am a new follower and would love to win some cute stamps! Best black Friday deal this yearwas all the clothes and accessories I got from Charlotte Russe online. Paid $100.00 and got a TON!!! Everything was 25 - 50% off! TFS and for the chance to win. Please check out my blog if you get a chance. I'd love more followers!
XO ~ Amy Jo


Super cute I think I even have this paper!

48 Luv 2 Create

Congrats on 1st blog hop entry and adorable gift card idea - really cute!!
The 1 and only Black Friday experience was for my 1st granddaughter who had fallen pray to TV ads on the newly released Furbies. She wanted one so bad, so after hunting everywhere to no avail, I found an ad that said Kaybe Toys would be the first to get them in but in a limited quantity only. Their doors would open at 4am. They are only located inside shopping malls and only 1 entrance to the mall would be open. I parked near to that entrance only to step out of my car and realize that they had recently re-tarred the parking lot and that the tar was still pretty fresh and gooey. I was 7th in line until they opened those doors and everyone was pushing and shoving past and running to the toy store which I rufused to do. Once inside the store I knew that I would not be one of the first 50 to get one, and that all my efforts were for not, until a sweet gentleman of a sales person pushed past the crowd, asked what color furbie I was insterested in and went behind the counter and got it for me. He said he felt sorry for me and that my patience had paid off. I left, furbie in hand with a smile on my face and my granddaughter's dream Christmas gift. On my way out I realized what a disaster the mall floor was due to that tar, it was everywhere. As I reached my car I was still smiling and I removed my shoes as I climbed in so as not to dirty my car and drove home to relay my sucess story to a household of guests over coffee who thought I was off my rocker to have even done such an outlandish thing.
marciesmith64 at gmail dot com.

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