Saturday, September 11, 2010

They're Here!

I am so excited!  The new cartridges I ordered from CreativeXpress over Labor Day weekend arrived this morning!  I had to leave for a few hours... but the first thing I did when I got home was head to my office / scrap room and break them open.  Ahhh... every time I open a new cartridge, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning!  THANK YOU, SANTA!  LoL.  Want to know which ones I got??

Drum roll please...

My new cartridges are...
♥ Home Accents (Solutions)
♥ Wedding (Solutions)
♥ Wild Cards (Shape)
♥ Storybook (Font)
♥ Destinations (Shape)

I am so excited to play with them, but first I am working on a new project for my hubby's Grandpa who is now recovering from his surgery in a rehab center).  I haven't quite figured out how I could incorporate my new treasures into that project. Hmmm... I'll have to think about it!

Until next time, Cricuteers!
~ JD ~


1 abusybee - DoubleClick Connections

Great cartridges! You will like wild card it has a lot of fun cards! Can't wait to see what you create!

2 Court

Great cartridges! I LOVE Wild Card and all the extras! I didn't even notice the first 100 times I went through it that it had paper cranes for example. SO keep looking and you will find more and more stuff. Storybook is also one of my favorites! Have fun playing and thanks for leaving a nice comment on my blog! I hope your husband's grandfather has a swift recovery!

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