Thursday, January 6, 2011

My First Attempt at Glass Etching

I have one more homemade Christmas gift to share with you, Cricuteers!

Every year, when I start thinking about Christmas gifts, there are those family members who I immediately know what to get and there are those who I wonderfully stumble upon the perfect gift for in the most random of places... and then, inevitably, there is that one person who I just can't figure out what to get.  Well, this year, I actually had more than one person like that.  I don't like to do gift cards, and I try so hard not to ask the person what they want, but this year... it just couldn't be avoided.  So when I asked my sister-in-law what she wanted for Christmas, she simply said a thank-you stamp set from Michaels and Jelly Bellies.  The stamp set was easy - it felt like I was at Michaels / Hobby Lobby / JoAnn's at least once every few days this holiday season - and Jelly Bellies are always fun, but I just couldn't bring myself to give her a bag of Jelly Bellies.  So I decided to attempt my first glass-etching project.

Drumroll please...

♥ Glass jar from Hobby Lobby
♥ Armour Etch glass etching cream
♥ Mini Foam Brush
♥ Vinyl
♥ Ribbon with wired edges
♥ Gypsy (for designing / cutting the template used in etching)

I love how the jar turned out.  I ended up leaving the etching cream on a little longer than the directions said in order to get a nice even etching.  But it turned out so fun!

And just so you can get the full effect, here's a picture of the jar filled with 1.5 lbs of Jelly Bellies in my sister-in-law's favorite flavors...

Until next time, Cricuteers!
~ JD ~


1 the cricutologist

Wow! This is soooo cool! That is a great gift!

2 abusybee - DoubleClick Connections

Super cute idea! looks so yummy with those great jelly beans!

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