Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree Blog Hop

Happy Holidays, Cricuteers!

Welcome to the last stop of the Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree Blog Hop!!  If you have come from visiting Amy at, you are in the right place.  If you just happened upon my blog, I highly recommend you hop back to Michelle at and start from the beginning so you don't miss any of the fabulous projects being shared.  If you get lost along the way, below is a list of today's rockin' lineup.

♥ Michelle ~
♥ Susan ~
♥ Carol ~
♥ Jenny ~
♥ Kathy ~
♥ Debbie ~
♥ Misty ~
♥ Iva ~
♥ Bonnie ~
♥ Nana ~
♥ Laura ~
♥ Marianne ~
♥ Christel ~
♥ Rebecca ~
♥ Carol N ~
♥ Kee Kee ~
♥ Amy ~
♥ JD ~ <-- That's me, Cricuteers! 

For today's project, I made my first Christmas ornament of the year.

I found these fun styrofoam snowballs in the Make It Christmas section at Hobby Lobby (sale price: $1.00!!) and thought they be so cute in an ornament.  They are also quite fun to play with... but beware... if you spill any, they will go EVERYWHERE!  I made the mistake of breathing on my scrap table after dropping a few.  I'm sure you can imagine how that turned out!  LoL.

♥ Clear glass "flat" ornament from Michaels "Celebrate It Christmas"
♥ Styrofoam snowballs from Hobby Lobby "Make It Christmas"
♥ Ruby Red vinyl from Cricut
♥ White vinyl from The Paper Studio (note: TPS vinyl comes with 2 pcs of 12" x 36" per package - that's 2' more than Cricut!)
♥ "Let It Snow" and snowflakes cut from Winter Frolic
♥ Forest Green 1/8" satin ribbon by Offray

Now on to the candy... One lucky Cricuteer will win this beautiful set of Christmas stamps.  Aren't they fabulous??  I've been so tempted to use them myself.  To enter this giveaway, please follow my blog and leave a comment below telling me about your favorite Christmas ornament.  One comment per Cricuteer please, and U.S. residents only (I love my international Cricuteers, but I hope you'll understand!). I will pick a winner on Sunday evening using

 Thanks for hopping with us today, and we hope you all enjoyed the Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree Blog Hop.  Come back and visit soon!

Until next time, Cricuteers!
~ JD ~


1 Carol's Place

What an adorable ornament, I love that. Awesome gift to give at the office, etc. Love it!
Have a blessed Christmas

2 Melissa

I absolutely adore this idea!


3 Unknown

This is just adorable! I'll have to look for those little balls and try this!

4 sdw112

What a beautiful ornament! I followed the link from the Amy Chomas site and am so glad I did! You have a beautiful blog! Thank you!


Wow! I love the ornament! Just beautiful.

6 Minta's Creations

I'm going to have to try some of these ornaments sometime...How do you keep the vinyl from coming off.

7 Laura

OK JD this is gorgeous!!! I am going to have to find some of these balls... the styrofoam sounds "Fun".... great blog hop.....

8 Scrappin_3rdeeschik

I love this idea. Your bulb turned out awesome. TFS

9 Rebecca

I great idea! Love the balls from Hobby Lobby, we don't have one here so I'll have to search for something else ;)
Love it!

10 jandbmom

My favorite ornament is a little mouse in a stocking with my name on it, that my mom made in ceramics when I was 5. My kids play a game of who can find it on the tree every year.

11 Scrappin' Sista

I'm lovin' it! Wish I were near a HL again. I'd most definately run out for the snow balls. Too cute. TFS!

Blog Hop Sista'

12 Tabitha

the ornament turned out so cute.

13 2 Chicks on a Limb

This project is ADORABLE! Will definitely be copying! Happy to be a follower. TFS!


14 Marilyn Nimmo

LOVE your ornament--something I will have to try!

15 terriennz

What a cute and neat idea! I want to make some myself! lol My favorite Christmas ornament(s) would have to be the ones my son makes me at school. I'm a follower. Thank you for a chance to win your awesome candy!

Terrie Barroso

16 Maria

My favorite Christmas ornament is one that was given to me and have my 3 grandchildren's names on it. I need a new one for this year because I now have *4* grandchildren! :) (I am a new follower on your blog page, too!)Thanks for the chance to win some awesome blog candy! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!


Wow! I love the ornament! Just beautiful
Rebecca Minor

18 stefeni

Cute ornament! I love how you filled it with balls! What a great twist.

spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com

19 D

Your ornaments is really cool!! Love the little balls at the bottom :)

20 Lillian Child

This is just the SWEETEST bulb I've seen in a long time - So festive! I am now a follower of your blog! Thanks so much for sharing with us!!

21 Lisa J

This is such a gorgeous Christmas bulb! I have some clear ones we are going to decorate and would love to do this with ours as well!


tjsgal at gmail dot com

22 Susan

Well I think your ornament is absolutly adorable. Let me tell you I had this old elf ornament that I still have but he's so old his hat has peeled off his head LOL Poor thing. It's pretty cool though because he looks really retro...because he is.
susanpollock37 at yahoo dot com

23 Kelly Rae

I am a new follower now! My favorite ornament is actually a small box of tiny Amish ornaments I bought years and years ago when I first moved out on my own. These are cherished, wrapped very carefully from year-to-year, and very carefully placed on my tree! Kelly

24 Marianne S.

I am already a follower of your blog. Your ornament is very pretty, I love homemade ornaments. Not sure that I have a single most favorite ornament but one that means alot to me is a homemade fabric & lace heart that I bought at school for my mom in 1981 (her last Christmas with us). Thank you for sharing your ornament with us on this hop.

Marianne S.
sthquilter at gmail dot com

25 Heather

Great ornament! I love it! My favorite ornaments are the ones we get every year with the date on them!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

26 Scrappers' Ranch

Hey JD~
Oh, this does sound like it would be fun!!!LOL..
I love your ornament.
My favorite ornaments wold be the ones that my babies made when they were babies (now 16 & 12)
I am already a follower of your blog
TFS and a chance to win
Bonnie C
ascrapabove at aol dot com

27 kathlee

New follower here! Your ornament is sooo cute! TFS. My favorite ornament is one from my 84 year old mothers childhood tree (she was 4). It hangs high on the top of my tree to keep it safe. It is beautiful. Happy holidays to you and yours!

28 abusybee - DoubleClick Connections

So cute! What a great deal! My favorite ornament is a precious moments given to me by my Sister!

29 Bunnyfreak

One of my favorite ornaments is a gold pear that was a favor that was given to our wedding guests,

30 ScrappyHeartz

I love those "flat" ornaments...went to 3 Michaels today and bought all three stores out...they were 50% off. I am making the hockey team each one for Christmas!! Your's turned out really cute!!! Thanks for sharing!
Debbie Chapman

31 jenni

Darling ornament! I love that idea and have never seen anything like it, so clever! My favorite ornament is a nativity cut from olive wood!

32 Theresa

I love your ornament. As far as my fave, I have several that my kids made when they were little..while it's more than one..they are my faves

33 mamascrapper69

ive never made an ornament like this before. im always worried my kids or cats will break them. i dont have very many glass ornaments. i may have to give it a try and see. ty for your inspiration and creation.

Stephanie Collins

34 ttop

Thank you for sharing it is so cute!! I guess my favorite ornament would be one my daughter made when she was little. Thank you for the chance to win the beatiful stamps.

35 Teri Barefoot

These would make great gifts and I know for sure that I would end up with little balls all over the place and all over me.


Def, glad that I became a follower your projects are gourgous! Love the little snow effect in side the ornament! Thank you for shaing!
Contact Info: In case I get a chance to win that amazing blog candy! Happy Holiday's!

37 Kel

Totally this.. nice job..tfs!

38 scrappydappydoodler

Cute ornament!! Love the little snowballs. Haven't seen the flat ornamente, need to go to HL this week and look.

39 Anna

So very cute!!! Just adorable. I guess I have a couple. The ones I made with my granddaughter with salt and flour. Another one is the one my hubby made from a light bulb of the Grinch. So very cute.
thanks for the chance to win.
annadowdy at gmail dot com

40 Trisha

Love this ornament. Looks like fun to make. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win. I am a follower. My favorite ornament is the Limited Edition Adoption ornament that my children gave me when the adopted their son. It is so special to me as he, and now his sister, are.

41 Celeste B.

I may be too late, but I wanted to let you know that I LOVE the ornament!!! My favorite one is one that I got with sand and a poem (a very religious one); or any that my little ones have made. :) Beautiful job! TFS! :)

Celeste B.

42 Ashley Nicole

I love the ornament. The styrofoam balls were such a great idea. My favorite ornament was one I got a couple of years ago that was a mom and me with bunnies.
glamoroussideofscrapping at gmail dot com

43 country grammie

I love the ornament and am making some of my own. I would have to say that my favorite ornaments are the ones made by my kids and now the grandkids

44 Janet

very pretty ornament TFs

45 Besthobbyeva

So cute, I love them. Looks like the blog hop was a success!! Congrats!!

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