Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday to a Very Special Niece!

While blog surfing earlier this week, I discovered this great layout done by Holly at Scrappily Ever After... Challenge Card.  I was checking out her Celebrations cartridge designs, and this one was just too adorable not to "scraplift".  As with all scraplifting, I changed the colors and added a few elements of my own.  I was super disappointed b/c the 7 on the Celebrations card didn't have the rectangle scallop cutout like the 5 did, but I was able to add more color and embellishment by simply cutting the rectangle out using the Blackout feature and pop-dotting a 7 from the Plantin Schoolbook cartridge.  I tried (unsuccessfully) recreating the cutout 7, but I'm still learning the Center Point feature on my "new" Expression.

  • All Solid Paper from various The Paper Studio and Recollections value packs
  • Light Pink card - 4 1/4" x 5 1/2" folded with top-fold
  • Patterned Paper - The Paper Studio - cut to 4" x 5 1/4"
  • Dark Pink layer - rectangle cut at 4" x 2 3/4", embossed with Cuttlebug Swiss Dots, and cut on left side with decorative edge scissors
  • Mint Green layer - 3" #5 w/Blackout feature (Celebrations) and embossed using Cuttlebug D'Vine Swirl
  • Purple 7 - 2 3/4" #7 w/Shadow feature (Plantin Schoolbook)
  • Balloons - Blln(1, 3, & 4) layered on Blln(1, 3, & 4)-s w/Blackout feature... don't remember exact size (Celebrations)

Happy Cricuteering!
~ JD ~


1 Dorcas

Love this one! Thanks for sharing!!

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